The electronic control unit allows current to flow through the ignition coil primary winding until it senses a triggering voltage pulse from the speed sensor, or pickup coil. 电子控制单元使电流通过初级绕组直到感知到一个从转速传感器或拾波线圈产生的触发电压脉冲。
This paper describes the founding of a broadband-pulsed NMR spectrometer based on a commercial DC SQUID amplifier with wideband electronics, and the design of saddle-shaped transmitter coil& pickup coil as well as the design of cryogenic apparatus. 文中描述了在带有宽带电子设备的商业dcSQUID基础上建立起宽带脉冲谱仪,以及马鞍形激发线圈、采集线圈和低温装置的设计,并测量了铂样品在4.2Kz温度下的NMR信号。
The accuracy of the method would be satisfied by careful calibration of the pickup coil and compensation for zero-phase angle. 通过细致校正测量线圈及补偿零相角来保证测量精度。
In a non-linear non-diagonal GMI sensor for weak magnetic field, the pickup coil parameters, including the length, the diameter of coil tube, the number of turns as well as the diameter of the coil wire, in relation to the sensor sensitivity are investigated. 研究了非线性非对角化GMI传感器的信号拾取线圈参数对传感器灵敏度的影响.这些参数包括线圈的长度,线圈的直径,线圈的匝数以及线圈所用漆包线直径。